Today we had our first Baby Name discussion. Now, as we don't even know the sex of the LP right now, this discussion is truly academic. But it's fun to throw out names.
We do seem to have our first philosophic schism, though. The Posette believes that the baby's name should be what we're, you know, going to call it. I believe that a person can have, in essence, two names -- their formal name that they have to put on applications and the name people actually call them.
For demonstration purposes, I will use my de facto Baby Name that I know for a fact I would never actually use: Ignatius Xavier.* The existence of this name allows me to occasionally reference the exploits of the future Iggy X.
*Ed Note -- Still, it's a good, solid, Jesuit name. Also, Iggy Pop is arguably the coolest person to ever exist. So Iggy is a better name than it gets credit for. Iggy is hardcore.
Now, the Posette objects to Ignatius Xavier for all of the obvious reasons, while also conceding that Iggy Pop is really cool, because really, how can you argue against that proposition? But assuming the Posette was hit in the head with something heavy and actually agreed to call our child Iggy, she would still object to Ignatius on the grounds we would call the kid, "Iggy," so why not just name him that?
I argue that we could call him Iggy. Well, that is, after we made sure the Posette's head injury was okay and there was no hemorrhaging or anything. We could call him Iggy (in this example, the LP is a boy, because naming a girl Iggy is doubly cruel), but he could still have the name Ignatius for when he grew up and needed a real grown-up person name to put on his stationary.
Anyway, it is our first major difference, and it's creating problems on the naming front. Then again, we're still in the early stages. And one of the good things about suggesting Ignatius Xavier is that no idea seems all that bad after that.*
*Not entirely true. I'm already putting my foot down on Stripper Names. Any name that you can imagine being announced before some DJ plays "Pour Some Sugar On Me" is automatically a bad idea.
However, we have found some common ground. People, stop naming babies after characters in Twilight. That's just lame. If you must name your child after a character in a vampire move, please at least choose a good vampire movie. Or at the very least, The Lost Boys.
Because one day, your baby is going to grow up and actually see that movie. And, boy, is she gonna be pissed at you. But not as pissed as Iggy X will be at me.
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